Tuesday, 1 May 2012

A Circle-casting

Cast your circle in a deosil (pronounced "jessel") direction - that is, clockwise. (Anti-clockwise is called widdershins. All movement within the circle should go deosil.). Most people like to actually walk the perimeter of the circle, and tradition says you should go round three times (once for the maiden, once for the mother, and once for the crone). However, if you haven't the space, you can do it by visualisation. The key to all magick is imagination, remember!

This is a circle-casting I wrote;
I craft a net of golden light,
And cast it round this sacred space,
All sprinkled well with silver stars
To ward this place that is no place
Between the worlds, out of time’s flow,
For here we work our magic charm
Thus we invoke the Powers that Guard
That in this sphere shall come no harm.
Spirit of Earth, we call you in,
Lend us your strength this mystic hour.
Come from the North to join us here,
And bless us with your sacred power.
Spirit of Air, we call you in,
Lend us your wisdom in this hour,
Come from the East to join us here,
And bless us with your sacred power.
Spirit of Fire, we call you in,
Lend us your energy this hour,
Come from the South to join us here,
And bless us with your sacred power.
Spirit of Water, come you in!
Lend compassion in this hour,
Come from the West to join us here
And bless us with your sacred power.
Bright Lady, Queen of Heaven and Earth,
We ask your presence in this place,
In love and trust we ask you, come!
Empower this circle with your grace.
Lord of the Greenwood, hearken now
We call you here to take your seat.
With your great presence in this hour,
Our magic circle is complete!
This also calls the Quarters - that is, asks for the protection of the spirits of the elements- and invites the Lord and Lady.

(You will notice that I begin my circle in the north. Other traditions begin in the east. I was taught that "everything comes from the north", that is, from earth. North represents earth, midnight - which is when the day begins and ends. To me it makes sense. If you feel that east makes better sense, then begin in the east, but rearrange the rhyme accordingly.)

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